CD DVD Face Template Free DownLoad
Face Temp
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Issues with printing on CD Face
(Programs acceptable: Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark)
Standard Type size is minimum 5 pts. Reversed Knockout Type is minimum 6 pts.
Dimensions represents the diameter value.
120 mm
Outer diameter of CD
116 mm
Outer Limit of Printing
Area. Also outer edge
of the reflective.
46 mm
Inner Limit for
Standard Printing.
Identification Band.
Product I.D Code is
engraved in this area.
Inner Limit of
Extended Printing.
Grooved ring on disc.
Diameter of hole
is used whenever the CD’s own reflective coating is to be used as the background color, The center portion of the disc up to 39mm is not reflective, and will give poor contrast. In addition, although the Identification Band area between 39 to 46 mm is reflective, it contains etched characters which create a non-uniform background for the printed artwork.
(or any portion of it) can used whenever a solid colour is printed as a background, or if the contrast difference is not a factor. If the background colour choice is of a translucent nature, the division between reflective and non-relective can be noticeable. In these cases, it is best to use the Standard Printing area instead, or print down to the 39mm mark only.
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