Blu-Ray Manufacturing BD-25 Single Layer

Blu-Ray Manufacturing BD-25 Single Layer

AACS Licensing Fees ONE TIME FEE

Blu-Ray GLASS MASTERING (one time fee) ONE LAYER BD-25

SETUP SET-UP CHARGE CHECK DISCS (OPTIONAL) Silver check discs for approval. (no printing, just silver discs)




NOTE: MASTER MUST BE SUPPLIED AS BD-CMF for glass mastering If a BD-CMF cannot be provided, extra charges apply to make a BD-CMF from a customer-supplied BD-R or BD-MV Estimate : $350 for conversion

BD-25 Single Layer 25 Gigs
1,000 Package Blu-Ray DVDs $3767 0r $3.76

BD-25 Single Layer 50 Gigs
1,000 Package Blu-Ray DVDs $4989 0r $4.98


2022 DVD Case Trap sheet Price Toronto

DVD Duplication Since 1998
2022 DVD Case Trap sheet Price Toronto

25 DVD  + 50 DVD available

 Description   Price Per   Before Tax CDN $ 
100  DVD + DVD Case                             4.49                                    449.00
200  DVD + DVD Case                             3.02                                    604.00
250  DVD + DVD Case                             2.95                                    737.50
300  DVD + DVD Case                             2.70                                    810.00
500  DVD + DVD Case                             1.80                                    900.00
1000  DVD + DVD Case                             1.40                                 1,400.00
2000  DVD + DVD Case                             1.20                                 2,400.00

We do DVD mastering $100 for standard DVD

We do BLUE RAY mastering
Info on Blue Ray Mastering


Need a menu? If so, describe the menu and how many buttons. (if there is a menu, do they need us to design it, or do they have a menu design?  What format are the source files? Any other special features? (captions/subtitles/special audio/etc)?   ProRes 4444, ProRes HQ or H.264 (whatever would render the best results) and all with 5.1 surround sound.

$ 235  (includes 2 copies on BDR) Costs To Blue Ray Master 90 minutes

25 (Max 25 GB) $96.46 (in bulk)
50 $120.12 (in CDN $)
100 $209.66
250 $524.16

To get a quote or call  416-693-9413


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High Gloss Print On CD – DVD Face Toronto

High Gloss Print On CD – DVD Face Toronto

CD-R Digital Direct-to-disc Printing Service



CD-R Standard Matte Gloss
50  $2.22  $3.00  $4.60
100  $1.40  $1.80  $4.00
Print Is For CD-R DVD-r


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DVD Video Prices

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Cd duplication toronto

Cd duplication toronto since 1998. We can ship to any location in North America. Below is a map of our location. You need to call first, as we are not always at this location. Hopefully a map has shown up. If not you can google  15 Hubbard Blvd. Toronto, ON M4E 1A2. We do 100 dvd Short Run dvd Duplication Toronto, and 100 CDs Short Run CD along with runs of 1,000 CD replication. Prices are here for jewel cases. You can get a quote here. Just for fun i’m going to add mapQuest. Please call first — would hate to miss you


Google Maps

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CD Duplication Toronto Video

CD Duplication Toronto Video

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